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Study at Móbile

Choosing a school is writing a story

O processo de ingresso 2025 está chegando ao fim!
Ficaremos felizes em apresentar nossa proposta à sua família. Agende agora sua participação em uma de nossas reuniões online.

Consulte aqui as séries em que ainda há vagas abertas.

Early Childhood Education

Regular Period
Infantil 2, 3 e 4 (crianças de 2, 3 e 4 anos): períodos da manhã e da tarde
Infantil 5 (crianças de 5 anos): período da tarde

Infantil 4 e 5 (crianças de 4 e 5 anos): período integral

Ensino Fundamental 1

Programa Regular
1º ao 5º ano: período da tarde

Middle School

Programa Regular
6º e 8º anos: período da manhã

High School

Programa Regular
3º ano: período semi-integral

Sign up

Achievement of

life projects

Nickolas Kokron

Graduated in 2012, getting his Doctorate degree in Physics at Stanford University

“Móbile contributed to the person I’ve become in different ways. In the academic aspect, it gave me the fundamentals to study in a course that is very demanding, Molecular Physics at USP. In a broader sense, it made me always follow what is happening around the world. Personally, I have great friendships and lived my first loves at Móbile School.”

Assistir playlist de depoimentos no YouTube           

Thais Alves Braga

Graduated in 2008, executive chef at Manioca

“At Móbile, I graduated as a thinking being, with autonomy and responsibility to develop an idea and get on with a project. I carry, kindly, memories of the exchanges and talks I had with the teachers and coordinators back at school.”

Assistir playlist de depoimentos no YouTube           

Pedro Sant'Anna

Graduated in 2016, getting his Doctorate degree in Economy at MIT

“Having studied at Móbile ever since I was young, I was encouraged to reflect about the world and think creatively, at the same time I had a solid academic foundation. I can see clearly how the many seeds of what I do as an economist were planted in school. In High school for example, I developed a research of scientific initiation that awakened my interest in racial inequality issues. The theme is now an important part of my investigation agenda at MIT.”

Assistir playlist de depoimentos no YouTube           

Giulia Reggio

Graduated in 2020, is now a medical student at USP

“The school is awesome! The teachers are always talking about teaching us beyond academics so that we can see the people around us, searching for a change we can leave to others so that this place can become a better place, one that we believe in.”

Assistir playlist de depoimentos no YouTube           

Understand our entrance process


Get to know Móbile

Take part in an online meeting and schedule a pedagogical meeting or a visit.


Manifest your interest

Formalize your intention of enrollment by filling in the form in the Entrance Area.


Reserve the spot

Early Childhood 2 to 2nd grade of Primary School

In these grades the call for the anticipated enrollment takes into consideration the order of fulfillment of the Manifestation.

Show your knowledge

3rd grade of Primary School to 3rd grade of High School

Through experiences and tests, we classify the interested students from the 3rd grade of Primary School.



In October all of the entrants formalize their enrollment at Móbile for 2025.

Enrollment Calendar

Reserve the following dates:


Opening of
the enrollment process 2025


Beginning of anticipated enrollment
(Early Childhood 2 to 2nd grade of Primary School)

27 and 28/09

Tests and experiences
(3rd grade of Primary School to 3rd grade of High School)


Result of the Tests

21 to 31/10

Enrollment confirmation

Meetings and visitations

We keep a permanent agenda for online presentation meetings of Móbile, as well as in-person pedagogical meetings, with campi visitations. Check the dates and register to participate through the link below:

Sign up

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s Móbile’s methodology?

Móbile has its own curriculum, constantly updated by its pedagogical team, as a way of matching the spirit and needs of the time we live in. We structure our methodology of teaching-learning to develop, at the same time, moral autonomy and intellectual and academic development of our students. In other words, we promote critical thinking and the skill to dialogue with others and the world around us. In the section “The school”, you’ll find more information about our pedagogical proposal.

Does the school adopt didactic books or exercise systems purchased from publishing companies?

Most of the didactic material from Móbile, digital or physical, is formulated by its own teachers under supervision of the pedagogical coordinators and principals. Móbile values the scientific, technological and artistic knowledge built by humanity and works significantly this knowledge through its own educational content and innovative teaching-learning methodology that put the students as protagonists experiencing and reflecting critically about their own learning experience.

Is there a bilingual program at Móbile?

There are two curriculum options at Móbile, both are very powerful: The Bilingual Program (full-time period) and the Regular Program (part-time period).

Does Móbile Bilingual Program follow an international curriculum?

No. The Regular Program, as well as the Bilingual one has its foundation on Móbile’s own curriculum, according to what the Brazilian National Common Curricular Foundation (BNCC) demands. Móbile’s almost 50-year experience made it possible to create these two programs, both characterized by academic excellence. This way the students and families can choose which of the programs meet their life projects better, with the certainty that both programs guarantee access to the best learning institutions in Brazil and the world after the students graduate. To understand how learning English and Portuguese are inserted in our Bilingual Program, we suggest reading the section “Bilingual Program”.

Does Móbile offer school transportation service?

There are two companies that usually offer the service to the families at Móbile:

Empresa Transid

Responsible: Linda e Sidinei

Phone numbers: (11) 99993-6230 ou (11) 5563-5851


Neighborhoods served: Campo Belo, Chácara Klabin, Moema, Vila Mariana e Vila Nova Conceição

Empresa Edson Transportes

Responsible: Edson

Phone numbers: (11) 99614-4112 ou (11) 4332-2843


Neighborhoods served: Brooklin Novo, Itaim, Jardins, Morumbi, Pinheiros e Vila Olímpia.

Is the use of uniforms obligatory at Móbile?

The use of uniform at Móbile is optional. Its non obligatoriness is because of a simple principle: people should be free to choose how to dress up and express themselves in different environments and contexts.

In case the family wants to buy the uniform, they can order it at Texblun: Address: Loja 1 – Rua Manoel da Nóbrega, 1126 – Jardim Paulista Phone numbers: (11) 3051-3252 / 3051-3179 / 3052-1749

How is the food at Móbile?

The canteens, where the students starting from 2nd grade of Primary School can buy snacks, and the lunch and afternoon snack services, which are part of the Bilingual Program, After-hours and Móbile English routines (with some specificities according to each course), are operated by our partner, Quitanda.

Móbile’s supplier since January 2023, this company offers diverse food, composed of grains, vegetables and fruits, and also including other foods, appreciated by kids and teenagers for a balanced diet. Quitanda’s menu is elaborated and followed daily by nutritionists. We also have our own kitchens to make the food.

Which optional activities does Móbile offer to the students?

We offer dozens of (paid) elective courses and extracurricular activities (with no additional cost). We have an exclusive building for the elective courses of Móbile English and a space for the After-hours where we welcome children from 2 to 8 years old and we broaden our compromise to guarantee development through playing. Get to know more about our modalities by surfing through the menu Elective Curriculum on our website.

Is it possible to start at Móbile in the middle of the school year?

Yes. Ask us about the grades in which the remaining spots are. Enrollment during the school year, not necessarily in August, happens frequently in Early Childhood Education and the first years of Primary School.

What’s the starting age at Móbile and which are the grades by age?

Móbile gets students starting from Early Childhood 2 in its Regular Program and, from Early Childhood 4 in the Bilingual Program. The table below shows the minimum age to start in each grade of Early Childhood.


childhood 2
childhood 3
childhood 4
childhood 5

Age (until 31/03/2025)

2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old

For the other grades – From 1st to 9th grade of Primary School and 1st to 3rd grade of High School the students will follow their studies according to the documentation registered in the Education Secretary.

Because of it, during the pre-enrollment, a School Statement or Transfer will be asked so that we can check the adequate age-grade and the students school history. For students coming back from international schools, the enrollment will be analyzed case by case.

Will there be a spot for my child in the grade he/she’ll be?

The main entrance moment at Móbile happens in Early Childhood, when we start our pedagogical project and following development of values and cognitive abilities that are important for the child’s development. It’s in these grades of Early Childhood Education (2 to 5 years old) that we have a greater number of spots available.

Another window of opportunity happens between 1st and 2nd grade of Primary School. We expect to open 35 spots for the 1st grade in 2025, 20 of them for the Regular Program and the other 15 for the Bilingual Program, full-time period. For the 2nd grade, we should have about 20 spots, half of them for the afternoon period and the other half for the Bilingual Program (full-time period).

For the remaining grades of Primary School, from 3rd to 9th grade and High School (1st to 3rd grade), the number of available spots depends on the families movementations. Until the beginning of September, we’re going to disclose a table with the expected spots available by grade.

Does Móbile organize raffles for the spots in Early Childhood Education?

No. The spots are distributed in order of arrival, which means through the arrival of the Manifestation of Interest form for a spot. To fill out this document you should first register in our Enrollment Process and take part in one of our Móbile presentation meetings. Click here to register in our 2025 Enrollment Process..

Do students’ siblings have preference in the Enrollment Process?

Yes. Siblings of students who currently study at Móbile, as well as children from collaborators and advisors from Móbile have preference in the Enrollment Process when there are available spots. Therefore, the Manifestation of Interest form should be filled out on time, before the deadline stipulated in our internal communication (in the month of May 2024).

What are the entrance experiences like for Primary School (1st to 5th grade)?

We invite the candidates from 3rd to 5th grade of Primary School to come to the school for a 2-day experience, scheduled for September 27th and 28th, in which they take part in group dynamics, sportive games, get to know the school spaces and do diagnostic evaluations.

We evaluate the essential learning of Math and Portuguese (reading and text production). For enrollment in the Bilingual Program, we also do tests in English. There is a fee of R$ 315,00 (three hundred and fifteen reais) to participate in the experiences.

Our aim with this step is to understand the moment in which each student is in their teaching-learning moment, from proposals through which it is possible to observe abilities and skills that are important for each age, such as oral expression, group interaction, challenge solving skills, argumentation and critical position.

The experiences are qualifying and guide our convocation and wait lists. Our pedagogical team is ready to give individual feedback to the families if previously scheduled.

To the entrants in the 1st and 2nd grade of Primary School, the experiences do not include formal moments of evaluation. We will call the candidates for an experience only when there are spots available.

How are the entrance exams for Middle School (6th to 9th grade)?

We evaluate Math and Portuguese contents (reading and text production). For enrollment in the Bilingual Program, we also do tests in English and Spanish.

There’s a R$ 315,00 (three hundred and fifteen reais) fee to take part in the exams.

How are the entrance exams for High School?

The evaluation for High School entrance at Móbile is composed of instruments of Portuguese (text production and discursive questions of text interpretation), Math (open and multiple choice questions) and English (text productions and multiple choice questions).

Portuguese and Math exams are qualifying and guide our convocation and wait lists.

The activities in English are not qualifying. Its aim is to detect the level of knowledge of the candidates, allowing a future grouping of the approved students in the foreign language classes. In the ame perspective, the candidates who are admitted can also be called for an exam and interview in Spanish.

Program Content – Primary School

Primary School:

See below the content referred to the evaluation of Reading, Text production, Math and English for Primary School candidates

3rd grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

differentiates letters, syllables and words;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

identifies the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

recognizes the meaning effect from the use of punctuation;

interprets based on the text;

understands what’s stated in the activity.

Related to the procedure of text production, it will be observed if the student:

uses cursive legible letters;

recognizes the word as a sound unity that is between two spaces, this way, avoiding possible juxtapositions/blended words;

explores punctuation at the end of the sentences (period, question mark, exclamation point);

uses uppercase letters in first names and beginning of sentences;

presents logical linking ideas in the construction of answers and text;

divides the paragraphs into phrases;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.


Related to problem resolution procedures, it will be observed if the student:

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

registers the carried out thought;

writes coherent final answers with the requested problem.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

reads, writes and compares numbers until its order in the unit of thousands;

solves, through non-conventional strategies, problems involving different ideas of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with natural numbers;

calculates addition precisely involving natural numbers through usual algorithm

calculates subtractions precisely with no exchange involving natural numbers through usual algorithm.

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Recognize the letters of the alphabet in English;

Spell her/his name and simple words: Anna / cat / dog;

Use simple sentences to ask and answer simple questions: This is a chair. / How old are you? / I am six (years old). / How is the weather? / It's sunny.

Follow very short stories using graded language and visual cues;

Respond to classroom instructions accordingly: Listen and color. / Read the text and circle the correct image. / Answer the questions.

Use very short sentences to describe familiar situations: This is my mother. / I like bananas. / I like dancing. / I am wearing glasses. / I can play outside. / There are four people in my family. / It is raining.


Name and age

Cardinal numbers

Likes and dislikes

Foods and drinks

Sports and physical activities

The weather


Seasonal activities

Family members

Physical appearances

Adjectives to describe people


Be and have for simple descriptions

Can for abilities

There is / are

Basic pronouns

Basic present verb forms

4th grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

identifies the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

distinguishes a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

recognizes the meaning effect from the use of punctuation and other notations;

interprets texts in comic books;

interprets based on the text;

identifies direct discourse;

understands what’s stated in the activity.

Related to the procedure of text production, it will be observed if the student:

uses cursive legible letters;

recognizes the word as a sound unity that is between two spaces, this way, avoiding possible juxtapositions/blended words;

explores punctuation in every sentence (period, question mark, exclamation point, comma);

uses uppercase letters in first names and beginning of sentences;

presents logical linking ideas in the construction of answers and text;

divides the text in paragraphs;

divides the paragraphs into phrases;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.


Related to problem resolution procedures, it will be observed if the student:

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

registers all the steps of the solution;

writes coherent final answers with the requested problem.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

reads, writes and compares numbers until its order in the unit of thousands;

solves, through non-conventional strategies, problems involving different ideas of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with natural numbers;

relates information presented in a double entry table

solves, through non-conventional strategies, problems involving different ideas of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with natural numbers;

calculates addition and subtraction precisely involving natural numbers through usual algorithm;

calculates multiplication precisely through usual algorithm when the second factor has only one algorithm.

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Unscramble letters and words to form expressions and sentences in English;

Read simple illustrated stories;

Answer simple, direct questions with complete answers about a text or audio program;

Produce simple sentences to talk about himself/herself: I have (got) a dog. / My mother's name is Anna. / My favorite school subject is Science. / I have like (playing) soccer. / I live in a house with my parents and sister. / My backpack is in my bedroom.

Produce simple sentences to describe a scene: The computer is next to the lamp. / This is a television. / There is a dog and a cat in the yard. / These books are blue. / She is bouncing the ball.


Ordinal numbers


Likes and dislikes

School supplies & subjects

Family members

Personal belongins

Toys and gadgets

Parts of the house and furniture

Parts of the body and face

Places and directions

Key adjectives


Be and have for simple descriptions

Can for abilities

May for requests

Determiners (a, an, the, some)

Adverbs: now, here, too

There is/are for simple descriptions

Have (got) for possession

Personal and possessive pronouns

Present verb forms (simple & continuous)

Prepositions of place and time

Conjunctions (and, but, so)

5th grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

identifies the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

recognizes the meaning effect from the use of of a word or expression;

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

establishes relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

distinguishes a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

establishes relation between diverse texts;

recognizes the meaning effect from the use of punctuation and other notations;

interprets based on the text;

identifies direct discourse;

understands what’s stated in the activity.

Related to the procedure of text production, it will be observed if the student:

uses cursive legible letters;

recognizes the word as a sound unity that is between two spaces, this way, avoiding possible juxtapositions/blended words;

explores punctuation in every sentence (period, question mark, exclamation point, comma);

uses uppercase letters in first names and beginning of sentences;

presents logical linking ideas in the construction of answers and text;

divides the text in paragraphs;

divides the paragraphs into phrases;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

marks, in the text, the separation between the narrator’s discourse and the character’s speech, correctly using marks for this separation (reported speech verbs, colon, dash and quotation marks).


Related to problem resolution procedures, it will be observed if the student:

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

elaborates an organized register with all the steps of the problem resolution;

writes coherent final answers with the requested problem.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

reads, writes and compares numbers until its order in the unit of millions;

identifies the total units, dozens, hundreds, etc. of a number (inclusion relations);

solves problems involving the currency of our monetary system;

relates information presented in a double entry table

calculates addition and subtraction precisely involving natural numbers through usual algorithm;

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Spell words more accurately and promptly;

Answer simple, direct questions with complete answers about a text or audio program, and complete dialogues;

Infer meaning of unknown words or chunks from context;

Spot the main idea in a short text and look for specific information;

Describe their own routines, past experiences, people (physical traits) and their preferences using simple sentences: I always go to the shopping mall with my parents. / I play computer games in my free time. / I enjoy taking pictures. I am Brazilian, but my parents are Chinese. / I went to UK in 2019 and I ate fish and chips there. / I love reading books, but I don't enjoy going to the museum. / My mom is shorter than me. / She is quiet and a little patient. / She has (got) short straight blonde hair and blue eyes. / I went riding last Saturday, because it was my birthday. / We went to the movies at night.

Write very short descriptive paragraphs involving close people, public places and/or familiar situations.


School places and subjects

Free time activities

Likes and dislikes

Physical descriptions

Countries and nationalities

Holiday destinations

City life and transportation

Entertainment: TV shows, streaming contents, books etc.

Professions and workplaces


Verb to be

Like, enjoy, hate + noun/gerund

Adjective word order

Comparative degree of adjectives

Have (got) for descriptions

Demonstrative, personal and possessive pronouns

Present verb forms (simple & continuous)

Adverbs of frequency

Past verb forms (simple & continuous)

Adverbs of time (yesterday, last, ago)

Can for present abilities

Could for past abilities

Will for future events

Conjunctions (and, but, too, because, so, then, when)

Ensino Fundamental 2:

See below the content referred to the evaluation of Reading, Text production, Math, English and Spanish for Middle School candidates

6th grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

Select adequate reading procedure.

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

explains the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

establishes relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

identifies effects of humor in diverse texts;

establishes relation between diverse texts;

interprets based on the text;

interprets texts in comic books;

identifies kinds of reported speech and its marks and linguistic features;

understands what’s stated in the activity.

Em relação aos procedimentos de produção de texto, será observado se o(a) aluno(a):

uses cursive legible letters;

correctly uses punctuation at the end and interior of sentences and numbers;

presents logical linking ideas in the construction of answers and text;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

marks, in the text, the separation between the narrator’s discourse and the character’s speech, correctly using marks for this separation (reported speech verbs, colon, dash and quotation marks).

describes images;

responds to the text genre proposed;

maintains coherence in the attribution of title, theme continuity and the meaning of the text in general;

adequately uses the cohesion mechanisms through pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions and words of the same semantic field;

writes the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

adequately uses punctuation, obeying the different timbres (open/closed) and tonicity (stress pattern);


Em relação aos procedimentos de resolução de problema, será observado se o(a) aluno(a):

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

elaborates an organized register to communicate all the steps of the problem resolution;

verifies the compatibility of the result found;

escreve respostas finais coerentes com a solicitação do problema.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

reads, writes and compares numbers until its order in any size, understanding the characteristics of the decimal system numbers;

precisely presents calculations with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of natural numbers;

solves problems involving proportional relationships;

graphically represents fractions and problem situations involving rational numbers;

solves problems involving fraction of quantity calculations.

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Infer the spelling of short unfamiliar words, such as proper names and addresses;

Answer direct questions, using complete answers, about a text or audio program;

Predict expressions to complete dialogues and fill in information gaps;

Infer meaning from context;

Identify personal problems, both simple and related to school life, and make suggestions accordingly;

Read short texts for the gist or spot specific information;

Produce, both orally and in writing, reasonable stretches of language to describe people's personality traits;

Narrate simple events using time and sequencing expressions: I was climbing when I fell off the tree. / I bought a blue T-shirt when I went to the countryside.

Describe simple possible conditions and their consequences: If I eat healthy food, I will be ready for the sports competition.

Share personal experiences: I have studied here since 2018. / I have never visited an African country. / My mother has already flown a helicopter.

Make future predictions based on evidence or by simply guessing: Next week, I am going to be very busy. / In the future, we will drive around in flying cars.

Write short descriptive paragraphs, following guidelines and respecting word limits.


School places, subjects and timetables


Free time activities

Entertainment (TV, cinema and music)

Life experiences


Countries and celebrations

Clothes and materials

Numbers 1 – 1000


Telling the time

Present simple and continuous

Comparatives and superlatives

Past simple and continuous

Plans, intentions and predictions: going to

Predictions: will

Present perfect with for, since, still, just, already, ever, never

Relative clauses with that

Can for present abilities

Could for past abilities

Should for simple advice and suggestions

Countable and uncountable nouns

Prepositions of place (behind, between, next to, opposite)

Imperative verbs for directions

Espanhol (somente para candidatos do Programa Bilíngue)

En cuanto a las habilidades lingüísticas, el candidato al 6° año debe:

Comprender frases y el vocabulario más habitual relacionado a datos personales, el lugar donde vive y familia;

Utilizar expresiones y frases para describir de forma sencilla su entorno, rutina escolar y personal;

Leer y escribir textos breves de carácter personal;

Comunicarse en interacciones sociales breves y habituales que exijan intercambio de informaciones sencillo y directo sobre actividades y temas cotidianos.


Funcionales y comunicativos:

Presentación personal

Oraciones sencillas en interacciones cotidianas de clase

Los saludos más usuales de acuerdo con el contexto comunicativo

La rutina: estudio y actividades de tiempo libre

Descripción del espacio público

Gustos y preferencias


Vocabulario relacionado al aula y a los útiles escolares

Países hispanohablantes y nacionalidades

Vocabulario relacionado a los medios de transporte y referencias al desplazamiento en una ciudad

El espacio público y establecimientos

Los días de la semana


Pronombres sujeto

Usos de los verbos estar, haber y tener para indicar la existencia o ubicación de los establecimientos de la ciudad

Artículos y contracciones


Usos y morfología del Presente de Indicativo

Posición pronominal: pronombres reflexivos

Género y número de sustantivos y adjetivos

Operadores argumentativos de causa

Uso de la locución mientras que

Uso del verbo gustar

7th grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

explains the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

recognizes and analyzes the expressive value of linguistic resources and their role in the establishment of the style (repetitions, visual-graphic resources; use of punctuation; resumpture; lexical choices; expressive sound treatment; use of linguistics variants; adjective formation; apposition);

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

establishes relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

identifies the presence of elements that guarantee the cohesion and analysis of its semantic-logical value in the articulation; hierarchy and progression of ideas of the text (constitution of a semantic network; presence of pronouns; adverbs; conjunctions and synonyms);

identifies effects of humor in diverse texts;

establishes relation between diverse texts;

interprets based on the text;

interprets texts in comic books;

understands what’s stated in the activity.

Related to the procedure of text production, it will be observed if the student:

uses cursive legible letters;

correctly uses punctuation at the end and interior of sentences and numbers;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

marks, in the text, the separation between the narrator’s discourse and the character’s speech, correctly using marks for this separation (reported speech verbs, colon, dash and quotation marks).

describes images;

responds to the text genre proposed;

maintains coherence in the attribution of title, theme continuity and the meaning of the text in general;

adequately uses the cohesion mechanisms through pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions and words of the same semantic field;

writes the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

adequately uses punctuation, obeying the different timbres (open/closed) and tonicity (stress pattern);


Related to problem resolution procedures, it will be observed if the student:

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

elaborates an organized register to communicate all the steps of the problem resolution;

verifies the compatibility of the result found;

writes coherent final answers with the requested problem.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

reads, writes and compares numbers until its order in any size, understanding the characteristics of the decimal system numbers;

relates different representation of rational numbers: decimal, fraction, graphic and percentage

solves operations involving natural numbers;

solves addition, subtraction and multiplication involving positive rational numbers;

solves problems involving proportional relationships;

solves problems involving fractions and percentages, through different resources (graphic and operation representations).

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Speak intelligibly, with some control of phonological features such as word stress and individual sounds;

Name and identify time, day and dates on written and spoken messages;

Describe people’s appearance, personality traits and the position of objects in a picture;

Fill in a form with personal information;

Make suggestions and invitations;

Listen attentively to audio/video recordings to answer questions;

Infer meaning from context;

Read abridged or graded texts for the gist or to spot specific information;

Write coherent and cohesive texts of approximately 120 words.


Family and friends

School subjects, people and places

Occupations and professions

Appearance and personality traits



Travel and transport

Life experiences

The future


Lexical Structures

Invitations and offers: Would you like…? / Let’s…! / How about you? / Shall we…?

Prepositional phrases + verb –ing (be, fond of, be keen on)

Prepositions of time: in, on, at

Time expressions: ago, when, while, until, last (week, year, century), before/after, as soon as, by (+ past perfect), already, yesterday

Quantifiers: a/an, a lot of, many, much, some

Linkers: because, however, as well, also, too

Grammar Structures

Sentence word order: subject + verb + direct object

Verb to be

Has/have got

Present simple

Enjoy, like, love, hate + nouns & verbs –ing

Comparative and Superlative: regular and irregular forms

Past simple and continuous

Used to for past habits

Plans, intentions and predictions: going to

Predictions: will

First conditional

Present perfect with for, since, still, just, yet, already, ever, never

Espanhol (somente para candidatos do Programa Bilíngue)

En cuanto a las habilidades lingüísticas, el candidato al 7° año debe:

Comprender frases y el vocabulario más habitual relacionado a datos personales, el lugar donde vive, familia, transportes, viajes y alimentación;

Utilizar expresiones y frases para describir de forma sencilla su entorno, rutina escolar y personal;

Describir escenas;

Leer y escribir textos breves de carácter personal;

Comunicarse en interacciones sociales habituales que exijan intercambio de informaciones sencillo y directo sobre actividades y temas cotidianos


Funcionales y comunicativos:

Presentación personal

Oraciones sencillas en interacciones cotidianas de clase

Los saludos más usuales de acuerdo con el contexto comunicativo

La rutina: estudio, deportes y actividades de tiempo libre

Instrucciones de una receta

Gustos y preferencias

Descripción de costumbres alimentarias

Descripción del espacio público

Descripción de paisajes

Descripción de vestimentas


Vocabulario relacionado al aula y a los útiles escolares

Países hispanohablantes y nacionalidades

Vocabulario relacionado a los medios de transporte y referencias al desplazamiento en una ciudad

Vocabulario relacionado a los medios de transporte y referencias al desplazamiento en una ciudad

El espacio público y establecimientos

Los días de la semana

Los alimentos

Los animales

Los paisajes

Los colores

Los deportes

Prendas de vestir


Pronombres sujeto

Usos de los verbos estar, haber y tener para indicar la existencia o ubicación de los establecimientos de la ciudad

Artículos y contracciones


Usos y morfología del Presente de Indicativo

Verbos reflexivos

Género y número de sustantivos y adjetivos

Operadores argumentativos de causa y consecuencia

Posición pronominal: pronombres reflexivos

Morfología del gerundio

Uso de las locuciones mientras que y en cambio

8th grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

explains the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

recognizes and analyzes the expressive value of linguistic resources and their role in the establishment of the style (repetitions, visual-graphic resources; use of punctuation; resumpture; lexical choices; expressive sound treatment; use of linguistics variants; adjective formation; apposition);

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

establishes relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

identifies the presence of elements that guarantee the cohesion and analysis of its semantic-logical value in the articulation; hierarchy and progression of ideas of the text (constitution of a semantic network; presence of pronouns; adverbs; conjunctions and synonyms);

identifies effects of humor in diverse texts;

establishes relation between diverse texts;

interprets based on the text;

interprets texts in comic books;

identifies kinds of reported speech and its marks and linguistic features;

recognizes, distinguishes and analyzes elements that constitutes the genre of the text (related to its content, compositional construction and style);

compares texts by the analyzes of: intertextual references; production context; discourse organization; genre and support characteristics; linguistic/register variation; lexical field; discursive dimension/pragmatic of language.

Related to the procedure of text production, it will be observed if the student:

uses cursive legible letters;

writes the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

adequately uses punctuation, obeying the different timbres (open/closed) and tonicity (stress pattern);

correctly uses punctuation at the end and interior of sentences and numbers;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

marks, in the text, the separation between the narrator’s discourse and the character’s speech, correctly using marks for this separation (reported speech verbs, colon, dash and quotation marks).

describes images;

maintains coherence in the attribution of title, theme continuity and the meaning of the text in general;

answers to the proposed genre, distinguishing its constituent elements (related to the content, compositional construction and style).


Related to problem resolution procedures, it will be observed if the student:

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

elaborates an organized register to communicate all the steps of the problem resolution;

verifies the compatibility of the result found;

writes coherent final answers with the requested problem.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

relates different representation of rational numbers: decimal, fraction, graphic and percentage

calculates the value of numerical expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of positive rational numbers;

calculates the value of numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction of positive and negative rational numbers;

solves problems involving fractions and percentages;

identifies proportional relationships in a situation and use then in the resolution of a problem;

solves first degree equations.

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Speak intelligibly, with limited but effective command of phonological features such as word stress, individual sounds and intonation;

Talk about familiar and slightly unfamiliar people, places, situations, as well as life experiences, emotions, special occasions and the future;

Give opinions;

Report statements, questions, commands and requests;

Talk about present and future imaginary conditions;

Listen to audio-visual materials and read longer texts for detailed comprehension, gist and global meaning, as well as speaker’s attitude and opinion;

Demonstrate the ability to infer meaning from context;

Identify and use different patterns to paraphrase very short sentences;

Analyse and plan for writing short communicative messages and opinion and narrative texts;

Write coherent and cohesive paragraphs and texts.


Life events





The environment

The news


Arts and books

Discoveries and inventions

Jobs and professions

Lexical Structures

Related collocations and phrasal verbs

Chunks to describe large numbers

Verbs + dependent prepositions

Compound nouns

Make and do collocations -ed & -ing adjectives

Prepositional phrases with ‘at’ / ‘by’ / ‘in’ / ‘on’

Linkers: cause + effect / opinion / contrast

Grammar Structures

Verb tenses: present simple / continuous / perfect simple / perfect continuous

Narrative tenses: past simple and continuous / used to / past perfect simple

Pronouns: subject / object / adjective / reflexive

Defining and non-defining relative clauses

Future forms: will / going to / present continuous / present simple

Conditionals: zero / first / second

Reported speech

Passive Voice

Modal verbs: deduction / obligation / prohibition

Espanhol (somente para candidatos do Programa Bilíngue)

En cuanto a las habilidades lingüísticas, el candidato al 8° año debe:

Comprender frases y el vocabulario más habitual relacionado a datos personales, el lugar donde vive, familia y compras;

Utilizar expresiones y frases para describir de forma sencilla su entorno, rutina escolar y personal;

Leer y escribir textos breves y correos electrónicos de carácter personal;

Comunicarse en interacciones sociales breves y habituales que exijan intercambio de informaciones sencillo y directo sobre actividades y temas cotidianos

Funcionales y Comunicativos

Presentación personal

Oraciones sencillas en interacciones cotidianas de clase

Los saludos más usuales de acuerdo con el contexto comunicativo

Variantes de tratamiento

La rutina: estudio, deportes y actividades de tiempo libre

Instrucciones de una receta

Gustos y preferencias

Descripción del espacio público

Descripción de la vivenda

Contenidos Lexicales

Vocabulario relacionado al aula y a los útiles escolares

Países hispanohablantes y nacionalidades

Vocabulario relacionado a los medios de transporte y referencias al desplazamiento en una ciudad

El espacio público y establecimientos

Muebles, objetos y partes de una vivienda

Las horas y los días de la semana

Los alimentos

Los animales

Los colores

Los deportes

Descripción física y de personalidad

Estados de ánimo y sensaciones físicas

Partes del cuerpo


Pronombres sujeto

Usos de los verbos estar, haber y tener para indicar la existencia o ubicación de los establecimientos de la ciudad


Artículos y contracciones


Usos y morfología del Presente de Indicativo

Verbos reflexivos

Género y número de sustantivos y adjetivos

Operadores argumentativos de causa, consecuencia y finalidad

Usos y morfología del Pretérito Perfecto

Posición pronominal: pronombres reflexivos

9th grade

Reading and Text Production

Related to the reading procedures, it will be observed if the student:

reads fluently, assigning meaning to the words and sentences;

identifies explicit information in the text;

infers an implicit information in the text;

identifies the elements that build a narrative: characters, space, narrator and plot;

explains the conflict generated from the plot;

infers meaning of a word or expression;

recognizes and analyzes the expressive value of linguistic resources and their role in the establishment of the style (repetitions, visual-graphic resources; use of punctuation; resumpture; lexical choices; expressive sound treatment; use of linguistics variants; adjective formation; apposition);

establishes relationship between the parts and elements of the text;

establishes relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

identifies the presence of elements that guarantee the cohesion and analysis of its semantic-logical value in the articulation; hierarchy and progression of ideas of the text (constitution of a semantic network; presence of pronouns; adverbs; conjunctions and synonyms);

identifies effects of humor in diverse texts;

distinguishes a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

establishes relation between diverse texts;

interprets based on the text;

interprets texts in comic books;

identifies kinds of reported speech and its marks and linguistic features;

analyzes transformations and other syntax operations, recognizing its expressive effect (inversions and dislocations; declarative, interrogative, exclamatory and imperative sentences; adverb by adverbial phrase; masculine/feminine; singular/plural);

recognizes the functional role and values (semantic and discursive) of the elements in the sentence structure (processes: states, events, actions; semantic roles: agent, patient, instrument, way, cause);

recognizes, distinguishes and analyzes elements that constitutes the genre of the text (related to its content, compositional construction and style);

compares texts by the analyzes of: intertextual references; production context; discourse organization; genre and support characteristics; linguistic/register variation; lexical field; discursive dimension/pragmatic of language.

Related to the procedure of text production, it will be observed if the student:

uses cursive legible letters;

writes the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

adequately uses punctuation, obeying the different timbres (open/closed) and tonicity (stress pattern);

correctly uses punctuation at the end and interior of sentences and numbers;

adequately uses the cohesion mechanisms through pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions and words of the same semantic field;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

adequately divides the text into periods and paragraphs;

uses basic noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

marks, in the text, the separation between the narrator’s discourse and the character’s speech, correctly using marks for this separation (reported speech verbs, colon, dash and quotation marks).

describes images;

maintains coherence in the attribution of title, theme continuity and the meaning of the text in general;

answers to the proposed genre, distinguishing its constituent elements (related to the content, compositional construction and style).

adequately selects and relates informations, arguments and other persuasion procedures.


Related to problem resolution procedures, it will be observed if the student:

elaborates valid strategies to solve problems of different mathematical thinking structures;

elaborates an organized register to communicate all the steps of the problem resolution;

verifies the compatibility of the result found;

writes coherent final answers with the requested problem.

Related to the structure of the mathematical thinking, it will be observed if the student:

relates different representation of rational numbers: decimal, fraction, graphic and percentage

solves problems involving fractions and percentages;

calculates the value of numerical expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of positive rational numbers;

calculates the value of powers with rational base and whole exponent;

identifies proportional relationships in a situation and use then in the resolution of a problem;

solves problems involving fractions and percentages;

uses algebraic resources to represent and solve a presented problem;

solves first degree equations.

English (only for Bilingual Program candidates)

The learner CAN…

Speak intelligibly, with limited but effective command of phonological features such as word stress, individual sounds and intonation;

Narrate an experience (personal or not) while logically sequencing actions and events, and express the feelings that this experience may have given rise to;

Summarize the events of an incident, while sticking to their chronological order;

Convey another person’s statement or question, either by paraphrasing what was said or verbatim, in order to back up a justification or explanation;

Present problems of either personal or wider social interest coherently by providing enough information about its causes and (potential) consequences;

Put forth an opinion or take a stance in relation to an incident or issue (i.e. expressing agreement or disagreement), and support it with logical and concisely expressed justification;

Suggest a solution to a problem and express arguments for that;

Infer meaning from context as well as writer’s/speaker’s attitude and opinion in audiovisual materials and longer texts;

Write short narratives, informal letters/e-mails and short essays.



Slogans and their targets

Regional idioms

Culture shock

Eating habits

Medicine and vaccines

Literal vs. figurative language.

Lexical Structures

Linkers of addition

Linkers of contrast

Goods and services

Sales and marketing

Seem, look and appear

So and neither

Likely to and expected to

Dwellings and furniture

Health conditions, symptoms and ailments

Unless, as long as and in case for conditionals

Wish and if only

Feel, have and be

Grammar Structures

Causative have

Relative pronouns

Prepositional relative clauses

Noun suffixes: -full, -ment, -ion, -ity, -er, -or, -hood, -ism, -ist, -ness

Noun prefixes: anti-, dis-, in-, co-, extra-, fore-, mis-, mono-, bi-

Adjective suffixes: -y, -less, -able, -ible, -ful, -ish

Indirect questions

Participle clauses

Espanhol (somente para candidatos do Programa Bilíngue)

En cuanto a las habilidades lingüísticas, el candidato al 9° año debe:

Comprender los principales aspectos de textos orales y escritos sobre temas conocidos, relacionados a estudios, intereses y rutina personal y reaccionar adecuadamente en esos contextos;

Producir textos orales y escritos coherentes sobre temas conocidos o de interés personal, tales como relato de planes y experiencias personales, descripción de acontecimientos, personas y lugares y expresión de opiniones y sentimientos;

Interactuar de forma espontánea y sencilla y mantener conversaciones sobre temas cotidianos

Funcionales y Comunicativos

Presentación personal y de personas del entorno

Interacciones cotidianas de clase

Los saludos más usuales de acuerdo con el contexto comunicativo

Variantes de tratamiento: registros formal e informal

Descripción de la rutina: estudio, deportes y actividades de tiempo libre

Expresión de gustos, preferencias y opiniones

Relato de experiencias personales y acontecimientos del pasado

Comparación de características de distintas épocas

Contenidos Lexicales

Espacio público y establecimientos

Las horas, los días de la semana y los meses

Estaciones del año y tiempo atmosférico

Viajes: alojamiento, actividades, atracciones, transporte

Estados de ánimo y sensaciones físicas

Ropas, calzados y complementos

Actividades de ócio


Usos de los verbos estar, haber y tener para indicar la existencia o ubicación

Artículos y contracciones


Morfología y usos del Presente de Indicativo

Morfología y usos de los pretéritos Perfecto, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto e Indefinido del Indicativo

Verbos reflexivos y posición pronominal

Operadores argumentativos causales, consecutivos, finales, temporales, adversativos y concesivos

Program Content - High School

The diagnostic evaluations aim to see the stage of development of the student related to the content listed below.

1st grade - High School



Select adequate reading procedure.

Infer the meaning of a word or expression.

Find explicit information in a text.

Infer an implicit information in the text.

Establish relationships between the parts of a text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to its continuity.

Identify logical-discursive relationships presented in the text, marked by conjunctions, adverbs, etc.

Recognize the effect of the meaning from the use of punctuation, the choice of certain words and expressions, order of the information, etc.

Identify effects of irony or humor in diverse texts.

Relate the text with its production conditions: genre, circulation forms, objectives, etc.

Identify the theme of a text.

Identify the thesis of an argumentative text.

Establish a relationship between the thesis and the arguments offered to sustain it.

Distinguish a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

Recognize the different positions between two or more opinions related to the same fact or theme.

Interpret, in poems, effects produced by the use of sound resources (stanza, rhymes, alliterations, etc.) and semantic (figures of speech, for example).

Articulate the verbal language with other languages (photographs, illustrations, etc.).

Establish relationships between texts.

Text production:

Answer to the proposed genre, distinguishing its constituent elements (related to the content, compositional construction and style).

Keep to the proposed theme and develop it.

Adequately select and relate information and arguments.

Keep textual coherence, including in the attribution of a title.

Adequately divide the text into paragraphs and periods.

Adequately divide the text into paragraphs and periods.

Establish relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

Write the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

Adequately use punctuation: in the end and middle of sentences, to isolate apposition, vocative and anticipated adverbial adjunct.

Adequately use of noun and verb agreement mechanisms.



Solution of situation-problems involving one or more operations between real numbers.

Calculation and simplification of radical expressions.

Solution of problems involving direct quantities and inversely proportional.

Percentage calculation.

Notions of probability of simple event occurrence.

Notable products.


Equation resolution and first degree equation systems.

Resolution of situation-problems involving first degree equations.

Geometry and measurements:

Angular properties: addition of internal angles of a polygon, opposite angles by the vertex, supplementary and complementary.

Polygons: classification, properties, areas and perimeters.

Circumferences and circles; perimeters and area.

Similarities of triangles.

Units of measurements of different sizes: volume, mass, time, length and area.

Relationships between measures of expressive qualities because of: speed, density, etc.

Notions of statistics:

Reading, construction and interpretation of graphs of sectors, bars and segments.

Calculation and interpretation of average value of a group of data.



Infer the meaning of a word or expression.

Identifying the main ideas and locating explicit information in a text.

Identifying the main ideas and locating explicit information in a text.

Infer an implicit information in the text.

Distinguish a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

Distinguishing a fact from the opinion related to this fact.

Interpreting information in visual and graphic elements.

Establishing cause and effect relationship between events of a text.

Identifying evidence of partiality and credibility of source.


Keep to the proposed theme and develop it.

Produce narrative, expository or argumentative text, considering its themed content, textual organization and style.

Justify or defend their thesis or opinion, offering arguments to sustain it.

Keep textual coherence in the development of the text.

Correctly use of grammatical structures and vocabulary, including orthography.


Assuming a position and using evidence to defend it.

Presenting ways to solve a problem.

Explaining a sequence of processes or events.

Presenting hypothesis.

Comparing points of view.

2nd grade - High School



Select adequate reading procedure.

Infer the meaning of a word or expression.

Find explicit information in a text.

Infer an implicit information in the text.

Establish relationships between the parts of a text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to its continuity.

Identify logical-discursive relationships presented in the text, marked by conjunctions, adverbs, etc.

Recognize the effect of the meaning from the use of punctuation, the choice of certain words and expressions, order of the information, etc.

Identify effects of irony or humor in diverse texts.

Relate the text with its production conditions: genre, circulation forms, objectives, etc.

Identify the theme of a text.

Identify the thesis of an argumentative text.

Establish a relationship between the thesis and the arguments offered to sustain it.

Distinguish a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

Recognize the different positions between two or more opinions related to the same fact or theme.

Interpret, in poems, effects produced by the use of sound resources (stanza, rhymes, alliterations, etc.) and semantic (figures of speech, for example).

Articulate the verbal language with other languages (photographs, illustrations, etc.).

Establish relationships between texts and artistic languages.

Text production:

Answer to the proposed genre, distinguishing its constituent elements (related to the content, compositional construction and style).

Keep to the proposed theme and develop it.

Adequately select and relate information and arguments.

Use expressive resources adequately and articularly, taking into account the effects of meaning intended.

Adequately divide the text into paragraphs and periods.

Adequately divide the text into paragraphs and periods.

Establish relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

Write the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

Adequately use punctuation: in the end and middle of sentences, to isolate apposition, vocative and anticipated adverbial adjunct.

Adequately use of noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

Specific content:

Language and speech.

Language variety.

Communication theory and language function.


Structure and word formation.

Phonology notions: phoneme. vowel, semivowel, digraph, etc.

Literary genres: epic, lyrical and dramatic.

Literary schools - production context, themes, expressive resources and exponents: Troubadourism, Humanism, Classicism, 16th Century.


Além do conteúdo programático para candidatos(as) ao 1° ano, os(as) candidatos(as) ao 2° ano devem saber:

Numbers and Functions:

First and second degree functions: graphs, roots and properties.

Resolution of situation- problems involving 1st and 2nd degree functions.

Functions defined by parts.

Exponential functions.

Logarithm: definition and properties.

Resolution of problems involving logarithmic functions and/or exponentials

Arithmetic and geometric progressions.

Simple and compound interest.


Metric relation in rectangle triangles, Pythagorean theorem.

Trigonometry reasons in rectangle triangles.

Resolution of any triangles, sine and cosine law.

Inscription and constituency in regular polygons.


Reading Comprehension:

Infer the meaning of a word or expression.

Find explicit information in a text.

Infer an implicit information in the text.

Identify the theme of a text.


Keep to the proposed theme and develop it.

Answer to the proposed genre, (textual organization and register).

Keep textual coherence in the development of the text.

Correctly use of grammatical structures and vocabulary, including orthography.

Use of English:

Verb Tenses:

  • Present Tenses: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
  • Future Tenses: will, going to, Present Continuous as Future.
  • Past Tenses: Simple Past, Past Continuous.
  • Perfect Tenses: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.
  • Modal Verbs.
  • Be used to/get used to.
  • Passive Voice: Present and Past; Causative Form.
  • Verbs and prepositions followed by gerund.

    Phrasal Verbs.

    Indefinite Pronouns.

    Adjectives: Comparative and Superlative Forms.

    Conditionals: First, Second and Third.

    Reported Speech.


    Question Tags.

    3rd grade - High School



    Select adequate reading procedure.

    Infer the meaning of a word or expression.

    Find explicit information in a text.

    Infer an implicit information in the text.

    Establish relationships between the parts of a text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to its continuity.

    Identify logical-discursive relationships presented in the text, marked by conjunctions, adverbs, etc.

    Recognize the effect of the meaning from the use of punctuation, the choice of certain words and expressions, order of the information, etc.

    Identify effects of irony or humor in diverse texts.

    Relate the text with its production conditions: genre, circulation forms, objectives, etc.

    Identify the theme of a text.

    Identify the thesis of an argumentative text.

    Establish a relationship between the thesis and the arguments offered to sustain it.

    Distinguish a fact from the opinion related to this fact;

    Recognize the different positions between two or more opinions related to the same fact or theme.

    Interpret, in poems, effects produced by the use of sound resources (stanza, rhymes, alliterations, etc.) and semantic (figures of speech, for example).

    Articulate the verbal language with other languages (photographs, illustrations, etc.).

    Establish relationships between texts and artistic languages.

    Text production:

    Answer to the proposed genre, distinguishing its constituent elements (related to the content, compositional construction and style).

    Keep to the proposed theme and develop it.

    Adequately select and relate information and arguments.

    Use expressive resources adequately and articularly, taking into account the effects of meaning intended.

    Adequately divide the text into paragraphs and periods.

    Adequately divide the text into paragraphs and periods.

    Establish relationship between the parts of the text, identifying repetitions and substitutions that contribute to the continuity of a text;

    Write the words correctly, obeying the norms of the dialect;

    Adequately use punctuation: in the end and middle of sentences, to isolate apposition, vocative and anticipated adverbial adjunct.

    Adequately use of noun and verb agreement mechanisms.

    Specific content:

    Language and speech.

    Language variety.

    Communication theory and language function.

    Classes de palavras: identificação, flexão e emprego.

    Literary genres: epic, lyrical and dramatic.

    Literary schools - production context, themes, expressive resources and exponents: Baroque, Arcadeism, Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism.


    Além dos conteúdos programáticos para candidatos(as) ao 1° e ao 2° ano, os(as) candidatos(as) ao 3° ano devem saber:

    Numbers and Functions:

    Logarithmic function: definition, properties, graphs, equation e inequalities.

    Resolution of problems involving logarithmic functions and/or exponentials


    Measurement of arches and angles, trigonometric circumference.

    Trigonometric functions: sine, cosine and tangent.

    Equations with sine, cosine and tangent.

    Relative position between lines, lines and planes, planes.

    Main polyhedron: prisms and pyramids.

    Square bodies: cylinders and cones.

    Notable points of a triangle.

    Treatment of information

    Probabilities: simple. conditional and binomial.

    Combinatory analysis: grouping cases.

    Pascal’s triangle and Newton's binomial.

    Construction, reading and interpretation of data represented in tables and/or statistical graphs.

    Calculation and interpretation of the mean, median and mode in a group of discrete values

    Calculation and interpretation of dispersion measures: variance and standard deviation.


    Reading Comprehension:

    Infer the meaning of a word or expression.

    Find explicit information in a text.

    Infer an implicit information in the text.

    Identify the theme of a text.


    Keep to the proposed theme and develop it.

    Answer to the proposed genre, (textual organization and register).

    Keep textual coherence in the development of the text.

    Correctly use of grammatical structures and vocabulary, including orthography.

    Use of English:

    Verb Tenses:

  • Present Tenses: Simple Present, Present Continuous.
  • Future Tenses: will, going to, Present Continuous as Future.
  • Past Tenses: Simple Past, Past Continuous.
  • Perfect Tenses: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.
  • Modal Verbs.
  • Be used to/get used to.
  • Passive Voice: Present and Past; Causative Form.
  • Verbs and prepositions followed by gerund.

    Phrasal Verbs.

    Indefinite Pronouns.

    Adjectives: Comparative and Superlative Forms.

    Conditionals: First, Second and Third.

    Reported Speech.


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    What are the steps and documents necessary for enrollment?

    The enrollment process happens in two steps: ?>

    Spot reservation – Payment, in 3 working days, of the fee that composes the annuity and guarantees the student’s spot after the convocation by the enrollment team. It can be done from June for the students from Early Childhood and 1st and 2nd grades of Primary School. To all other students, from 3rd grade of Primary School to 3rd grade of High School, it is necessary to be approved in the experiences and evaluations, which the result will be released on October 18th.

    Enrollment - It will be made effective 100% digitally through the Exclusive Area for Móbile families after the confirmation of the spot reservation. In the process, which must be done in up to 4 days, we ask for the following documents:

    • Fill in the form of the registration data of the students and their guardians;

    • Signature of the contract of educational service provision;

    • declaration of monthly payment acquittance of the school in which the student studies in 2024;

    • document of the origin school proving the student’s education;

    • copy of do RG with CPF;

    • copy of Birth Certification (already required in the Interest Manifestation);

    • picture of the student’s face (already required in the Interest Manifestation);

    • original school history (turn in until 30 days after the enrollment);

    • conclusion certificate of Primary School for the entrants in High School (turn in until 30 days after the enrollment);

    Report Card or Transcript, with certified translation, for students who used to live abroad or have finished an exchange program (turn in until 30 days after the enrollment);

    DOWNLOAD HERE a detailed list of the documents to make your organization easier.

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