Cotidiano da Escola Móbile


The school Transportation is outsourced. The companies below are ratified by Móbile and have offered this service for over 20 years for the school families.

Empresas Responsáveis Telefones E-mail Bairros Atendidos
Transid Linda ou Sidinei (11) 99993-6230
(11) 5563-5851 Moema, Vila Nova Conceição,
Campo Belo, Chácara Klabin
e Vila Mariana
Edson Transportes Edson (11) 99614-4112
(11) 4332-2843 Itaim, Brooklin Novo,
Vila Olímpia, Jardins, Morumbi
e Pinheiros

Linda ou Sidinei

(11) 99993-6230
(11) 5563-5851

Moema, Vila Nova Conceição,
Campo Belo, Chácara Klabin
e Vila Mariana

Edson Transportes


(11) 99614-4112
(11) 4332-2843

Itaim, Brooklin Novo,
Vila Olímpia, Jardins, Morumbi
e Pinheiros

Use of the uniforms

The use of the uniform at Móbile is optional. For students until the 5th grade it’s convenient to use it on the days of Studies of the Mean, because it makes it easier to recognize the student as part of the group.

The uniform is composed by a jacket and sweat pants or shorts in the colors white, gray or dark blue and a shirt that can be short or long sleeved or no sleeves, in the color white that can be purchased at Texblun (See below)

For training students it’s obligatory the use of uniform in the days of championships or friendly games.

Store 1 Rua Manoel da Nóbrega, 1126, Jardim Paulista (11) 3051-3252
(11) 3051-3179
(11) 3052-1749
Store 1

Rua Manoel da Nóbrega, 1126, Jardim Paulista

(11) 3051-3252
(11) 3051-3179
(11) 3052-1749


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